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yoga nidra

Connecting to Your Voice of Primal Feminine Dignity


Connecting to Your Voice of Primal Feminine Dignity

In Sally Kempton’s “Awakening Shakti, The Transformative Power of the Goddesses of Yoga”, she says: “We sense that something profoundly important is missing from a world in which the power of the divine feminine is not understood and in which women themselves are out of touch with their own Shakti, the force of feminine strength and the flavors of feminine love".”

New Classes Starting January 8th, Register Here.

Sally continues to share how the modern world has “weakened our bonds with the feminine.” This can be applied to all beings. All bodies contain the sacred Feminine and Masculine energies and an imbalance will most certainly result in disharmony. Whether we are living in a female or male body, we carry these ancient traits and recognize the ways we interact in the world. Finding our way to our deepest and truest nature to me, is the joy of being human. To be able to express how we feel is essential for harmony, ease and comfort for our personal dignity.

Strengthening our relationship to the Sacred Feminine (and Masculine) within, we find a way for that energy to move outward from us to help heal, rebalance and restore the ruptures within and without. Oppressing the rights of female bodied people, diminishing their place in the world, enslaving them and punishing them for natural bodily occurances must stop. We as a people can make a difference by starting with ourselves by establishing a new relationship with a source of inner energy unknown to us before.

Mythology exists for a reason, it can provide a sense of connection to something bigger than us. I invite you to join me over these next 6 weeks to explore 6 of the most powerful and profound Goddesses in the Yoga Tradition. Using Yin Yoga, Pranayama, and Guided Meditations that focus on each Goddess of the Week, you might find one that you resonate with and use her Mantra to awaken, strengthen and form a new way to move through the world right now. And you will have a great yoga class with a deep restorative relaxation!

Week 1: Chinnamasta: Goddess of Radical Self-Trancendence

Week 2: Saraswati: Goddess Who Flows As Language, Insight and Sound

Week 3: Dhumavati: Crone Goddess of Disappointment and Letting Go

Week 4: Durga: Warrior Goddess of Protection and Inner Strenth

Week 5: Parvati: Goddess of Sacred Relationships

Week 6: Lakshmi: Goddess of Abundance and Good Fortune

The format for each class will begin with a gentle warm up of long deep slow flowing yoga asanas, followed by Yin Yoga, Pranayama and ending with a Guided yoga Nidra relaxation relating to each Goddess. To learn more, feel free to obtain your own copy of Sally Kempton’s book and go deeper!

Register Here and a Zoom Link will be emailed to you. we start Monday, January 8th!

6 Classes, Live on Zoom

Mondays:: 4:30 pm PST - 5:45 pm PST

$108 for the session, Please follow payment button below, Zoom Link will be emailed to you

January 8th, 15th, 22nd, 29th and February 5th and 12th, 2024!

IF you miss a class, no problem! All are recorded and you will receive the recording to do in your own time, over and over!

Note: I am so excited to see you soon!!! contact me with any questions, denise@divinelightyoga.com

Goddess Lakshmi


Easy Yoga for Great Sleep


Easy Yoga for Great Sleep

How do you feel when you wake up? Refreshed or exhausted? A good night's sleep is essential for overall health and well-being. Yogic practices can be a powerful tool to relax the body, calm the mind, and prepare for restful sleep. Here are my top recommendations for you to slip into a blissful slumber, stay asleep all night and awaken ready to greet the day! Commit to better sleep and you will change your brain, mind, immunity and outlook on life.

  • Avoid caffeine after noon or even earlier, notice how you feel when doing this.

  • One hour before bed turn off all screens, limit light around you. Settle your mind and body.

  • Simple self oil massage and shower or bath can be relaxing

  • Try one or two of these poses (below) and breathing.

  • Massage your feet with oil or lotion to break up further tension and relax deeper.

Make your bedroom your Sleep Sanctuary, your surroundings impact your mind and emotions. Declutter and calm the room. Freshen the air naturally, essential oils or baking soda on the carpet vacuumed up helps to remove stale odors . Keep your bedding clean (use non-toxic soaps). Since we carry our stress and anxiety into bed with us, attempt to walk into your bedroom and have it feel welcoming so that you are able to leave any worries outside of it.

Listen to a calming wind down like a Yoga Nidra deep relaxation guided meditation.

Do a couple of these Yoga Asanas for 1-2 minutes each. Maintain long, slow full belly breathing, extending your exhales longer than inhales. Sigh out the day.

Child’s Pose, Balasana

  • Kneel on the floor, toes together and knees apart.

  • Sit back onto your heels and stretch your arms forward.

  • Rest your forehead on the mat or a cushion.

  • Child’s Pose gently releases tension in the back, hips, and shoulders, promoting relaxation.

    Forward Fold (Uttanasana) or Wide Legged Forward Fold (upavista konasana)

  • Stand with your feet hip-width apart or sit with leg wide apart

  • Exhale as you bend forward at the hips, letting your head and arms hang or reach forward.

  • Allow the spine to lengthen and the upper body to relax, rest your head on something for stability.

  • Forward Folds helps to calm the mind and soothe the nervous system.

    Legs Up the Wall (Viparita Karani)

  • Lie on your back and place your legs up against a wall.

  • Relax your arms by your sides or place them on your belly.

  • This pose encourages blood circulation, relieves fatigue, and reduces anxiety.

    Reclining Bound Angle Pose (Supta Baddha Konasana)

  • Lie on your back and bring the soles of your feet together, letting your knees fall to the sides, like a butterfly.

  • Use pillows or bolsters under your knees and along your sides for support, do not strain your hips. Hands on belly help regulate breathing.

  • Reclining Bound Angle Pose opens the hips and promotes a sense of relaxation.

    Corpse Pose (Savasana)

  • Lie flat on your back with your arms at your sides and palms facing up.

  • Close your eyes and allow your body to fully relax, bit by bit, listen to Yoga Nidra, (Find in The Really Good Stuff!)

  • Savasana is a quintessential relaxation pose that helps integrate the benefits of your practice and prepares you for sleep.

    Simple Sitting with Breath Awareness releases ruminating thoughts before sleep. Try either Deep Belly Breathing with extended exhales or Alternate Nostril breathing for 3-6 minutes. (Last week’s post shows these Breathing exercises.) Be still, allow the thoughts to come and go. Let go of attempting to do anything. Remind yourself you will handle what needs handling tomorrow, for now, it is time to rest.

    Consistency is key and a reliable nighttime routine instills a deep sense of trust and relaxation. If you are not sure why sleep is either evasive or excessive for you, consider an Ayurvedic Yoga Therapy consult. Listen to your body's cues – if any pose causes discomfort, modify or skip it. Combining these yogic lifestyle options with a calming bedtime environment and a screen-free hour before sleep can help you achieve a truly restful night's sleep.

    Let me know in the comments below what works for you, sending you plenty of snooze!

    With love,



February Sunflower Yoga Nidra and Gong Relaxation

February Sunflower Yoga Nidra and Gong Relaxation

Take a break from the stresses of the day, lie down and let this soothing guided visualization carry you to your happy place! Enjoy my friends! Hope to see you in classes! Every Wednesday night at Santa Cruz Yoga, Ingalls Street, 7:30pm! for this Restorative class.  

And, Tuesdays and Wednesdays, Noon to 1pm, All Levels Vinyasa Flow, Santa Cruz Yoga!

Be well, be light and let your life flow.  You are loved.