From my heart to yours — Divine Light Yoga ←—------Organization Schema —-----------> ←—-----------------Breadcrumbs—----------------> ←—---------------Localbusiness—----------->

Resources for Resiliency

Do you want to know a secret? What makes you feel good deep down about yourself? It is when you know, without a doubt, that you have your own back. That you, YOU are able to tend to your needs, to hold yourself in a kind and loving, non-critical way…most especially in the face of pain, suffering, fear, anger, abandonment, rage, grief, worry, shame, embarrassment, failure, and rejection. That you know, that even when you fall down, that you will get up. That you know that when things are their darkest, that you will come through, and that somehow things will be better for it. That you know, without doubt, that you are here exactly for what is happening, even in the greatest pain. This is not new age fluff, this is a way of living, a commitment to learning about yourself from a place of curiosity, patience and cultivating authentic self love.

To find our way to this, which lives already inside of you, perhaps untouched or out of reach at times, is to do what we are here as humans to do. It is not esoteric, it is here and it is real. There are ways and means.

Every situation, relationship, encounter, experience we have had over our lives has shaped the way the think, feel and then live life. I haven’t found a manual for life, yet. I have experienced a lot of practices that have given me an indomitable inner strength and fortitude to carry on with grace and self love.

Without judging whether our lives have had trauma or not is not the point. Let go of debating if you carry trauma. We do. It is relative to others and does no good to compare it.

What is the point is to witness where it lives in our body,

to connect to how it feels when we are triggered and then

to learn how to integrate and work with that.

The profoundly uplifting news is, you can do that. The not so great news is misunderstood. We cannot “forget” the trauma, rather we can release the energetic charge that sends us into triggered behavior unconsciously and we can with ease begin to manage ourselves with an enormous amount of newfound self love.

This is life changing, and that is an understatement.

What do you have to loose to begin this work? Just a lifetime of triggered behavior patterns, habits and tendencies that have kept you blocked, unhappy, frightened, isolated, and worse, trapped in your mind with the same ideas revolving around about who you think you are.

I have two spots left in this 6 week trauma course, and a FULL SCHOLARSHIP donated by a very generous student. Our first run of this course is limited to 10 students so we can hold this intimate container. In this course, we are not using conventional talk therapy methods, you do not need to recount your experiences, we will not tell our stories, we will work in a somatic way to feel into what our stories have resulted in and that is the miraculous moment.

I invite you to join me, starting this Thursday, July 10th. Online, live streaming. email me now or register on line: Scroll down to see Resources for Resiliency Course

If you don’t know me or how I hold space to teach, call me, get a feel for our connection. 410-570-2878. If you have financial limitations, please email me.

If you know anyone you feel could benefit from this profound work, please share this email.

Thank you for your trust and for walking this walk with all of us.

Be the Light and Light the Way:

A Dialog on Race

What an enlightening conversation we had yesterday with 12 heart centered and curious humans desiring to bring awareness and integrity to this movement. We started with Ahimsa and the conversation flowed thanks to so much openness, trust and honesty. I hope you might join us next week, to learn how you can bring some of the sacred yogic tools into your daily life as a participant in dismantling and reforming of the systemic racism that is in place today.

Sign up for free, Live zoom dialog:: A Dialog on Race

Mantra for our times



Gobinday, mukanday,

udaaray, apaaray,

Hareeung, kareeung, nirnaamay, akaamay


Sustaining, Liberating, Enlightening, Infinite

Destroying, Creating, Nameless, Desireless.

This mantra can eliminate the karmic blocks or errors of the past. It has the power to purify one’s magnetic field, making it easier to relax and meditate. It is a protective mantra, an ashtang mantra (having eight parts). Besides helping cleanse the subconscious mind, it balances the hemispheres of the brain, bringing compassion and patience to the one who meditates on it.

One of my favorites to chant with… this mantra reaches into my soul and I find such inner solace and joy. Try learning it and see how it feels.

ps. Still live streaming classes, join in.

Sending you a warm hug,

in light

