Sacred Mantras for Chanting
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200 Hour Yoga Training Course begins September 12th, ONE SPOT left!
NEW: Fall Classes coming, stay tuned!
NEW: Trauma Informed Yoga Classes starting early 2025!
Benefits of Chanting the Sacred Mother of all Mantras:
Would you try 1000 Days? How about at least 40? this Mantra continually awakens and amazes me with her frequency, opening in my heart and deep relaxation. My favorite recording is by Deva Premal, find her on Spotify and You Tube, and enjoy.
Embodied Healing and Meaningful Self Discovery is a way of being, less doing, learning to be with yourself and feel a certainty within.
Yogic teachings reveal the root cause of suffering is not knowing the truth of who you are, of being disconnected from that knowingness, and feeling lost, uncertain and seeking relevance outside ourselves. When one gains awareness of one’s true nature, that clarity allows distance from the suffering. Clarity of knowing relaxes one’s entire being, it is the truest Homecoming, moving towards connection within, that Sadhana, your daily practice remains steadfast and roots one into their natural loving and JOYFUL nature. It is a matter of deciding, do you want to feel that, a steadfast rooted connection to your own natural JOYFUL nature? If you feel a YES, join our cohort for the 200 Hour Divine Light Yoga Teacher Training, we start September 12th, we have ONE SPOT left, just for you!
Yoga Teacher Training hands you tools to understand your emotions, integrate body/mind divisions, release and rectify mental turbulence and most of all, to meet all the parts of you that keep you in self doubt. It reminds you of a deep purpose that has always been inside of you. It feels so good, and it opens you to the authentic JOY that is who you authentically are.
You are JOY, you are an ocean of infinite possibilities and things can ride over this and we might forget that about ourselves. We can remember and learn how to maintain balance, in the heights of storms.
What I love the most about this path of Yoga, is that once it is awakened, no one can take it away from us. We carry it like a glowing jewel inside of us and that will sustain us.
If you are on the fence, if you are still wondering if you want this or how to do this, or is there still time??? YES, there is, call me, email me, ask me anything so any doubts can be removed and you can join us! We begin September 12th, on this remarkable journey of embodied healing and meaningful self discovery, I really hope you will give yourself the gift, that honestly, will keep on giving for the rest of your life!
One scholarship left, one spot left. Are you the one?
Sign Up NOW! Everything you need to know or reach out directly to me, the sooner the better!
From the Bhagavad Gita:
Arjuna said: “The mind is restless, unsteady, turbulent, wild, stubborn: truly it seems to me as hard to master as the wind.”
Krishna replied: “You are right Arjuna: the mind is restless and hard to master; but by constant practice and detachment it can be mastered in the end. Yoga is indeed hard for those who lack self-restraint; but if you keep striving earnestly, in the right way, you CAN reach it.”
Reach out to me, let’s get you on board,
Cozy in the JOY!
I am playing with J O Y! Simple, profound and available! The Joy that already lives in each of us, in you, in me! I don’t need to do anything except stop and drop in to feel it. Would you like to have more access to the JOY that lives in you? Do you feel called to a 6 month deeply nourishing and heart expanding adventure? That is exactly what is about to begin, on September 12th! the path of yoga is a path to JOY!
Yoga is a practice that allows us to live in a stressful, toxic, unpredictable world and still retain a sense of inner peace and contentment while still obtaining and maintaining. To remain healthy, balanced and functioning is one of the results of practicing Yoga. To be able to rebound from traumatic events, to hold the light and the darkness simultaneously, to witness the harsh realities of human choices while not being swept away with anxiety, fear, depression, overwhelm, and hopelessness is a result of a Yoga practice. A consistent practice expands our capacity to adjust our perspective, we quite literally become more flexible, in body, mind and spirit.
Will you join me and a very special guest teacher, Valerie Mosell, E-RYT 500, YACEP, RPYT/Author, Educator, Steward of Yoga, Breath and Somatic Meditation, beginning September 12th to February 1st for this profoundly powerful experience?
Let me share who Valerie is, if you are not already in awe of her! Valerie Moselle is an advanced yoga and breathwork teacher, author, and entrepreneur. A 20-year veteran of teaching, her approach is informed by functional anatomy, biomechanics, and emerging theories in neuroscience. Valerie is the founder of ReSourcing™, a system of simple, accessible, movement, breathing, and visualization techniques based on evidence and best practices to regulate the nervous system and promote mind-body integration. She sees folks as individuals each poised to derive unique benefits from embodied practice, and is known for practical sessions that inspire a playful exploration of breath, movement, self-inquiry, and surrender.
A student of yoga for nearly three decades, Valerie has studied and taught in the San Francisco Bay Area, Southern California, the Pacific Northwest, Holland, the U.K. and India. One of her superpowers is supporting new teachers in understanding and applying functional anatomy and core concepts of biomechanics and kinesiology to yoga and breathwork. She currently lives in Santa Cruz, CA where she authored Breathwork: A 3 Week Breathing Program for Clarity, Calm, and Better Health and co-founded Luma, an award-winning family-focused holistic wellness center.
If you are ready, we have one precious spot left in our program, so reach out and inquire today! Email or call me, I have a feeling this spot will fill quickly. We are so ready to welcome you and our group to the mat and begin our journey.
All you need to know right here!
Welcome Valerie!!!!
Reach out,!
We are ready for you, are you?
When we started, 2008, the first Divine Light Yoga 200 Hour Teacher Training!
NEW 200 Hour Yoga Teacher training early bird deadline extended to Friday, July 19th!!! Enroll Now!
Change your Brain, Improve your Life? Are Yoga and Neuroscience related?
Neuroscience and yoga have a fascinating relationship that has gained increasing attention in recent years. Yoga, an ancient practice combining physical postures (asanas), breath control (pranayama), meditation (Dhyana and Dharana) and ethical principles (Yamas and Niyamas), does indeed have powerful effects on the brain and nervous system, which can be explored through the lens of neuroscience. Here are some ways neuroscience intersects with yoga and definitively changes your life:
Neuroplasticity and Brain Changes:
Yoga practices like mindfulness meditation (awareness practices and learning to be in the present moment) have been shown to induce neuroplasticity, which is the brain's ability to reorganize and adapt by forming new neural connections. Regular practice (Sadhana, daily practice) leads to changes in brain structure and function, particularly in areas related to attention, emotional regulation, and self-awareness.
Stress Reduction:
Yoga practices, including breathing exercises and meditation, activate the parasympathetic nervous system, which promotes relaxation and counters the effects of the sympathetic nervous system (the "fight or flight" response). This can lead to reduced stress and improved overall well-being. We change our relationship to stress by realizing our role in the amping up of it.
Mind-Body Connection:
Yoga emphasizes the connection between the mind and body. Neuroscientific research supports the idea that practices like mindfulness meditation can strengthen this connection, leading to better awareness of bodily sensations, emotions, and thoughts. We call this interception, learning how to relate what we feel with what we are thinking. With awareness of our thoughts the body responds.
Cortisol Regulation:
Yoga has been linked to reduced cortisol levels, a hormone associated with stress. Regular practice can help regulate the body's stress response and promote a sense of calm. Simple breathing practices will reduce inflammation and the release of aging elements.
GABA Boost:
Some studies suggest that yoga practices may increase the levels of gamma-aminobutyric acid (GABA) in the brain. GABA is an inhibitory neurotransmitter that helps regulate anxiety and stress. Brain chemicals play an enormous role in our ability to feel steady, calm, hopeful and joyful.
Dopamine Release:
Yoga asanas trigger the release of dopamine, a neurotransmitter associated with pleasure and reward. This can contribute to feelings of happiness and contentment after a yoga session and taken in regular practice, these effects are cumulative.
Default Mode Network (DMN):
The DMN is a network of brain regions associated with self-referential thinking and mind-wandering. Mindfulness meditation, a key aspect of yoga, has been found to modulate the DMN, leading to reduced rumination and increased present-moment awareness.
Emotional Regulation:
Yoga practices can enhance emotional regulation by influencing areas of the brain responsible for emotional processing, such as the amygdala and prefrontal cortex. This can lead to better control over emotional reactions.
Focus and Attention:
Yoga can improve attention and concentration by promoting sustained focus on the present moment. Neuroimaging studies show changes in brain regions associated with attention and cognitive control.
Anxiety and Depression Relief:
Yoga has been found to have beneficial effects on individuals with anxiety and depression. Brain scans have shown alterations in brain activity and connectivity patterns that correlate with symptom reduction.
The ancients knew this and put forth practices for centuries on this information. The sacred texts of yoga show the benefits, now, current science is catching up with peer reviewed studies to validate the knowledge.
You can benefit right now from this powerful lifestyle practice and immediately experience changes in your brain, moods, well-being and even your gut! Why not learn how to deepen your practice and even teach these phenomenal tools to others? Are you ready to go deeper in a 7 month course? Enroll Now!!
It's important to note that the effects of yoga on the brain can vary among individuals and depend on factors like the type of yoga practiced, the frequency of practice, and an individual's physiological and psychological makeup. Research in this field is ongoing, and the integration of neuroscience with yoga offers valuable insights into the potential mechanisms underlying the positive effects of yoga on mental and physical well-being.
Considering exploring a course to deepen your practice and understanding of these tools provides a new stability, depth and compassion for yourself and others, possibly unknown to you before. Consider the 200 Hour Yoga Teacher Training, training the teacher in you for you first and foremost!
All ages, stages and abilities welcomed!
Enroll now!
Contact me today with any questions and see the entire Course Outline and fill out the application to join us in this transformative journey!
Contemplation in Nature
Hello friend!
I hope you will join me in a new Summer Class on Line Session that returns us to inner stability with a renewal of our practice of the 8 limbs of yoga. Each week we will gently explore how YOU can apply the 8 Limbs of Yoga to your sacred daily practice.
Even if you don’t practice daily, weaving these 8 Limbs into your life gives you a strong and stable position to ground into, to come back to and to remember your inner heart quietude. When things outside are stressful, this can become your comfort.
8 Classes, Live on Zoom
A Somatic Yin & Restorative
Practice for Resiliency and Therapeutic Recovery from Stress
Based on the 8 Limbed Path of Yoga
These NEW classes will focus on ways to rebound you from long and short term stressors, balance your nervous system and settle your worries. Perfect for anyone who feels any anxiety, depression, ruminating thoughts, and just is over it all! Here are practices that will stay with you and you will retain the video classes for repeat sessions!
Feel a renewed sense of lasting peace, attainable joy and the beauty of being at ease in yourself.
Suggested Reading for the 8 Limbs of Yoga: The Yoga Sutras of Patanjali
July 8th: Yamas/ How We Relate to Others in the World
July 15th: Niyamas/ How We Relate to Ourselves in the Daily Life
July 22nd: Asana/ How We Relate to Our Body in Postures
July 29th: Pranayama/ How We Relate to Our Breath Moment to Moment
August 5th: Pratyahara/ How We Relate to our Sense Organs with What We Take In
August 12th: Dharana/ How We Relate to Our Mind in Thoughts, Words and Deeds
August 19th: Dhyana/ How We Move Beyond Our Mind, We are Not Our Mind
August 26th: Samadhi/ Inner Union and Deep Lasting Peace
Mondays:: 4:30 pm PST - 5:45 pm PST
$150 for the session, Please follow payment button below, Zoom Link will be emailed to you
July 8th, 15th, 22nd, 29th, August 5th, 12th, 19th, 26th, 2024!
Please email me for any Scholarship needs, I want this to be available to all who seek it.
IF you miss a class, no problem! All are recorded and you will receive the recording to do in your own time, over and over!
Note: I am so excited to see you soon!!! contact me with any questions,
Sign up Now and Zoom Link For Summer Classes will be sent to you! We begin Monday !
NEW 200 Hour Yoga Teacher Training Begins September 12, In Person!
What questions are holding you back from diving into this deeply transformative exploration? Whether you wish to teach yoga or crave to deepen your understanding and practice, this course gives you the phenomenal tools you need right now to reorient towards a sustainable and joyful lifestyle! I will be on zoom Monday evening for your questions!
Info Session for the NEW 200 Hour Yoga Teacher Training Monday, July 8th 7:30 pm
The Trees of Glastonbury, UK. The Tor.
Come Play in Your Divine Shakti, Deepen with the Goddess!
Join me to explore and revel in more of your awakened Shakti with these 6 new classes, more Goddesses and a grand finale of embodiment and dialog with your personal Goddess! As I hope you experienced in our last series, these classes are as Sally Kempton says, “an open invitation to deepen your internal conversation with the divine feminine.” I cannot imagine a better time to strengthen our connection to something that is steady and holds us true.
Mythology exists for a reason as it provides a sense of connection to something bigger than us. Using Yin postures, Pranayama, and Restorative yoga with Guided Meditations that focus on each Goddess of the Week, you might find one that you resonate with and use her Mantra to awaken, strengthen and form a new way to move through the world right now. And you will have a great yoga class with a deep restorative relaxation!
All classes are recorded and you will receive a timeless link to take the class as many times as you like.
March 4th: Sita: Goddess of Devotion and Mystical Submission
March 11th: Radha: Goddess of Romantic Longing
March 18th: Kali: Goddess of Revolution
March 25th: Bhuvaneshwari: Goddess of Infinite Space, She Whose Body Is the World
April 1st: Lalita Tripura Sundari: Goddess of Erotic Spirituality
April 8th: Dialoguing with the Goddess
The format for each class will begin with a gentle warm up of long deep slow flowing yoga asanas, followed by Yin Yoga, Pranayama and ending with a Guided yoga Nidra relaxation relating to each Goddess. To learn more, feel free to obtain your own copy of Sally Kempton’s book and go deeper!
Register HERE and your Zoom Link will be emailed to you. We start March 4th!
6 Classes, Live on Zoom
Mondays:: 4:30 pm PST - 5:45 pm PST
$108 for the session, Please follow payment button below, Zoom Link will be emailed to you
March 4th, 11th, 18th, 25th, April 1st and 8th, 2024!
IF you miss a class, no problem! All are recorded and you will receive the recording to do in your own time, over and over!
Note: I am so excited to see you soon!!! contact me with any questions,
In Sally Kempton’s “Awakening Shakti, The Transformative Power of the Goddesses of Yoga”, she says: “We sense that something profoundly important is missing from a world in which the power of the divine feminine is not understood and in which women themselves are out of touch with their own Shakti, the force of feminine strength and the flavors of feminine love".”
New Classes Starting January 8th, Register Here.
Sally continues to share how the modern world has “weakened our bonds with the feminine.” This can be applied to all beings. All bodies contain the sacred Feminine and Masculine energies and an imbalance will most certainly result in disharmony. Whether we are living in a female or male body, we carry these ancient traits and recognize the ways we interact in the world. Finding our way to our deepest and truest nature to me, is the joy of being human. To be able to express how we feel is essential for harmony, ease and comfort for our personal dignity.
Strengthening our relationship to the Sacred Feminine (and Masculine) within, we find a way for that energy to move outward from us to help heal, rebalance and restore the ruptures within and without. Oppressing the rights of female bodied people, diminishing their place in the world, enslaving them and punishing them for natural bodily occurances must stop. We as a people can make a difference by starting with ourselves by establishing a new relationship with a source of inner energy unknown to us before.
Mythology exists for a reason, it can provide a sense of connection to something bigger than us. I invite you to join me over these next 6 weeks to explore 6 of the most powerful and profound Goddesses in the Yoga Tradition. Using Yin Yoga, Pranayama, and Guided Meditations that focus on each Goddess of the Week, you might find one that you resonate with and use her Mantra to awaken, strengthen and form a new way to move through the world right now. And you will have a great yoga class with a deep restorative relaxation!
Week 1: Chinnamasta: Goddess of Radical Self-Trancendence
Week 2: Saraswati: Goddess Who Flows As Language, Insight and Sound
Week 3: Dhumavati: Crone Goddess of Disappointment and Letting Go
Week 4: Durga: Warrior Goddess of Protection and Inner Strenth
Week 5: Parvati: Goddess of Sacred Relationships
Week 6: Lakshmi: Goddess of Abundance and Good Fortune
The format for each class will begin with a gentle warm up of long deep slow flowing yoga asanas, followed by Yin Yoga, Pranayama and ending with a Guided yoga Nidra relaxation relating to each Goddess. To learn more, feel free to obtain your own copy of Sally Kempton’s book and go deeper!
Register Here and a Zoom Link will be emailed to you. we start Monday, January 8th!
6 Classes, Live on Zoom
Mondays:: 4:30 pm PST - 5:45 pm PST
$108 for the session, Please follow payment button below, Zoom Link will be emailed to you
January 8th, 15th, 22nd, 29th and February 5th and 12th, 2024!
IF you miss a class, no problem! All are recorded and you will receive the recording to do in your own time, over and over!
Note: I am so excited to see you soon!!! contact me with any questions,
Goddess Lakshmi
How do you feel when you wake up? Refreshed or exhausted? A good night's sleep is essential for overall health and well-being. Yogic practices can be a powerful tool to relax the body, calm the mind, and prepare for restful sleep. Here are my top recommendations for you to slip into a blissful slumber, stay asleep all night and awaken ready to greet the day! Commit to better sleep and you will change your brain, mind, immunity and outlook on life.
Avoid caffeine after noon or even earlier, notice how you feel when doing this.
One hour before bed turn off all screens, limit light around you. Settle your mind and body.
Simple self oil massage and shower or bath can be relaxing
Try one or two of these poses (below) and breathing.
Massage your feet with oil or lotion to break up further tension and relax deeper.
Make your bedroom your Sleep Sanctuary, your surroundings impact your mind and emotions. Declutter and calm the room. Freshen the air naturally, essential oils or baking soda on the carpet vacuumed up helps to remove stale odors . Keep your bedding clean (use non-toxic soaps). Since we carry our stress and anxiety into bed with us, attempt to walk into your bedroom and have it feel welcoming so that you are able to leave any worries outside of it.
Listen to a calming wind down like a Yoga Nidra deep relaxation guided meditation.
Do a couple of these Yoga Asanas for 1-2 minutes each. Maintain long, slow full belly breathing, extending your exhales longer than inhales. Sigh out the day.
Child’s Pose, Balasana
Kneel on the floor, toes together and knees apart.
Sit back onto your heels and stretch your arms forward.
Rest your forehead on the mat or a cushion.
Child’s Pose gently releases tension in the back, hips, and shoulders, promoting relaxation.
Forward Fold (Uttanasana) or Wide Legged Forward Fold (upavista konasana)
Stand with your feet hip-width apart or sit with leg wide apart
Exhale as you bend forward at the hips, letting your head and arms hang or reach forward.
Allow the spine to lengthen and the upper body to relax, rest your head on something for stability.
Forward Folds helps to calm the mind and soothe the nervous system.
Legs Up the Wall (Viparita Karani)
Lie on your back and place your legs up against a wall.
Relax your arms by your sides or place them on your belly.
This pose encourages blood circulation, relieves fatigue, and reduces anxiety.
Reclining Bound Angle Pose (Supta Baddha Konasana)
Lie on your back and bring the soles of your feet together, letting your knees fall to the sides, like a butterfly.
Use pillows or bolsters under your knees and along your sides for support, do not strain your hips. Hands on belly help regulate breathing.
Reclining Bound Angle Pose opens the hips and promotes a sense of relaxation.
Corpse Pose (Savasana)
Lie flat on your back with your arms at your sides and palms facing up.
Close your eyes and allow your body to fully relax, bit by bit, listen to Yoga Nidra, (Find in The Really Good Stuff!)
Savasana is a quintessential relaxation pose that helps integrate the benefits of your practice and prepares you for sleep.
Simple Sitting with Breath Awareness releases ruminating thoughts before sleep. Try either Deep Belly Breathing with extended exhales or Alternate Nostril breathing for 3-6 minutes. (Last week’s post shows these Breathing exercises.) Be still, allow the thoughts to come and go. Let go of attempting to do anything. Remind yourself you will handle what needs handling tomorrow, for now, it is time to rest.
Consistency is key and a reliable nighttime routine instills a deep sense of trust and relaxation. If you are not sure why sleep is either evasive or excessive for you, consider an Ayurvedic Yoga Therapy consult. Listen to your body's cues – if any pose causes discomfort, modify or skip it. Combining these yogic lifestyle options with a calming bedtime environment and a screen-free hour before sleep can help you achieve a truly restful night's sleep.Let me know in the comments below what works for you, sending you plenty of snooze!
With love,
Yes, you can!
Breath and mind are intimately connected. By consciously regulating the breath, you will directly impact your mind and nervous system, creating a profound ripple effect on your emotions and overall health. Nervous system imbalances like anxiety, overwhelm, unrelenting stress, chronic depression and hopelessness can take us down emotionally. Social media can make us feel like everyone is doing great or the world is on fire. Let’s be honest, it is tough out there right now, and by “out there” I mean that what is happening is impacting how each of us feel every day. As our emotions fluctuate, our outlook on life can be significantly influenced, and our nervous system becomes unregulated. We need to connect to something stable within, something we can regulate…our breath.
If we learn to connect to something deeper and more steady, then we feel more secure, resolute and grounded. This steady connection is a well we can draw from to sustain our resiliency, within ourselves.
Yoga and Ayurveda recognize these emotional fluctuations as imbalances that can be brought back to balance with breath. Current neuroscience refers to this as up or down regulating of our nervous system and acknowledges how the breath is a powerful regulator. Pranayama is the practice of yogic controlled breathing. Directed calmly and patiently, without force, pranayama will reduce anxiety, calm overwhelm, bring perspective to stressors, and create a sense of equilibrium. It is a powerful tool that can be harnessed for self-healing and mood management. Prana, refers to the Life Force and Yama is controlling it in direction and focus. Rooted in the 8 limbed path of Yoga as revealed by Patanjali, it is the 4th Limb offering a direct pathway to influencing the body's vital life force and promoting emotional balance.
These extraordinary breathing tools can lower or regulate blood pressure, improve digestion, and allow a shift in perspective, often providing an elevated understanding of a current situation. Most importantly these practices when done regularly are cumulative to your steady growth and harmony. These practices put the power of balance, calm and steadiness in your hands, not outside of you. You learn to control the fluctuations of your mind and body, and over time, you will notice profound changes. While we cannot change what happens outside of us, we can learn to manage what goes on inside of us.
Here are a few simple yet effective pranayama practices to help you feel better now. As with any yogic or Ayurvedic tool, please use your inner wisdom to guide you and understand that every practice may not be suitable based on individual health conditions.
ps. Another great way to learn even more tools to feel better, Self Mastery Deep Dive! In this course extensive practices are taught.
Deep Belly Breathing (Diaphragmatic Breathing):
Sit or lie down comfortably.
Place one hand on your belly and the other on your chest.
Inhale deeply through your nose, allowing your belly to expand as you fill your lungs with air.
Exhale slowly through your nose, feeling your belly contract.
Focus on the movement of your breath and the sensation of relaxation.
Special Note: If you are not able to expand your belly, lie down and place a book or block on your low belly until you fully connect with the rising and falling of the belly. Often we are high chest breathers if you suffer from anxiety and panic attacks and we need to learn to move the breath deeper and engage the diaphragm. This act will begin to change your relationship with your breath, and you will begin to notice sensations possibly not felt before. Feel free to let out long audible sighs on your exhales, this also will aid in releasing stress, trauma and worry.
To Regulate Your Nervous System after Stress or Overwhelm: Same deep belly breathing but focus on Extending your Exhales to be at least half again or twice as long as your Inhale. Extending exhales, long and slow invites the Parasympathetic Nervous system response of Rest and Digest, and releases the Fight or Flight Sympathetic response. Living with constant stress and fear may incite the Sympathetic response to get “stuck” and practicing Extending the Exhales for at least 6-11 minutes 2 times a day will help to repair this imbalance.
Contraindications: If ever any pain is felt, stop this practice. Do not practice on a full stomach, after a meal or lying down on your back if heavily pregnant. Please use your inner wisdom to observe where you may feel any reason to halt this practice.
Alternate Nostril Breathing (Nadi Shodhana):
Sit in a comfortable position with your spine straight.
Use your right thumb to close your right nostril and inhale deeply through your left nostril.
Close your left nostril with your right ring finger, and release your right nostril.
Exhale through your right nostril.
Inhale deeply through your right nostril, then close it with your thumb and release your left nostril.
Exhale through your left nostril.
Continue this alternating pattern for several rounds.
Special Note: Essentially you are inhaling and exhaling through each nostril and then switching. By doing so, the two main channels that carry Prana are alternating and balancing. We normally breathe through one nostril for a period of time and then our body will automatically switch to the other side. Some people may only be able to breath through one nostril primarily. The LEFT nostril elicits a calming, creative and grounding impact and the RIGHT nostril elicits an energizing, projective and problem solving impact. Neither are good or bad, they are contributing to our balanced well being when in synchronicity. If you cannot breathe in a particular nostril, try using a dab of Nasaya oil in your nose prior. Also, press only into the little area above the flare of your nostril, as this will allow it to reopen more easily. Avoid pressing the entire nostril shut, Further, you can lightly pull the skin outside the closed off nostril outward from the bridge of thenose, to aid in more air in that nostril while doing the technique. The benefits will feel subtle and doing this daily will increase your ability to handle stress and to remain steady.
Ujjayi Breath (Victorious Breath):
Inhale and exhale through your nose.
Gently engage the back of your throat slightly, creating a soft hissing or sighing sound in the throat.
This audible breath creates a soothing rhythm, similar to the sound of ocean waves or like you are scuba diving.
Focus on the sound of your breath as you inhale and exhale.
Special Note: The Victory here refers to the way your mind will be reigned in, become more focused and calm so that you can focus on what you are doing. During Yoga Asana practice Ujjayi breath harnesses scattered thoughts to help direct your concentration. Ujjayi helps to zero your focus, remind you to deepen your breath and steady yourself. In a yoga class it is phenomenally synchronizing when the class breathes together and energy is harnessed and directed. Try it on your mat and witness the unfolding of greater joy and a deeper, richer practice session.
Contraindications: Ujjayi can aggravate excess heat in the central channel, Sushumna and may actually create a mental and emotional imbalance. Be mindful to practice this Pranayama calmly, without excessive force and with guidance if you are new to it. The very direction we may be aiming towards can be distorted with malpractice.
Bhramari Pranayama (Bee Breath):
Find a comfortable seated position and close your eyes.
Close your ears with your thumbs and rest your fingers gently on your closed eyelids.
Inhale deeply through your nose.
Exhale slowly while making a humming sound like that of a bee with your mouth closed.
While you extend the exhale for as long as you can, Feel the vibrations in your head and the calming effect on your mind.
Special Note: Brahmari may calm your anxiety and panic attacks very quickly, provided you have practiced enough outside of an attack, so that when you feel things beginning to change rapidly, you can remember to engage Brahmari. Daily practice will help you to remember to do it when the need arises. Sometimes we may not be in a position where we can easily use this, perhaps in public or at work, however, attempt it if you can with a quieter humming and focus on the vibration. If you cannot place your fingers in your ears and on your eyes, then simply close your eyes. The humming is the essence of the practice, and the eyes and ears are beneficial if you can add that in. The benefit will still resonate regardless.
Contraindications: Brahmari should not be practiced during pregnancy or with high blood pressure, epilepsy, chest pain or active ear infection. Do not practice lying down. When using hand mudra, do not press onto eyeballs and you may press onto the flap in front of the ear opening, not placing fingers inside of the ears.
Sequenced Breathing 4-2-4-2 moving towards. 4-2-8-2
Using the Deep Belly Breathing or gentle Ujjayi, this simple breath attends to the Parasympathetic nervous system.
Inhale for 4, hold gently for 2, exhale for 4, hold exhale out for 2. Continue and work your way towards Inhale for 4, hold for 2, exhale for 8, hold out for 2.
Never force or allow the breath to reach any point of stress.
As you gain more mastery, you may move towards Inhale for 4, hold for 2, exhale up to 10, hold out for 2. Be relaxed, gentle and calm. Practice for at least 3-11 minutes.
Special Note: Practiced regularly this will help to lower blood pressure, increase our Parasympathetic response and deliver feelings of calm and composure. Increases Resiliency around stress.
Contraindications: Be mindful with high blood pressure to never stress the body. Pregnancy may be challenging physically, use discretion.
Idea for a Daily Morning Practice
Begin with a few minutes of deep belly breathing each morning to set center and ground.
Practice 3-6 Minutes of alternate nostril breathing.
1-3 Minutes of Bhramari pranayama to awaken creativity, orient the mind and set your day in motion.
Idea for Mid day Reminder
Use ujjayi breath when your concentration or energy is waning. During your yoga asana practice it will deepen your connection with the breath and body. Never with force or to the point of excessive heat in the body. There should be a lightness of being when done, not a sense of aggressiveness.
Sequenced Breathing during stressful moments, extending the exhales.
End of Day Practice
Sit or lie down with Deep Belly Breathing. 3-6 minutes to digest and sigh out the day. It is done.
Sequenced Breathing will also calm and release into Parasympathetic mode.
Consistently using Breath as a life changing tool will empower you to know yourself. Become intimate with your breath, the sounds you make, the way it feels and how significantly it can alter your mind, emotions, digestion and immunity!
Some extra helpful techniques are here.
I would love to learn of your favorite ways to breath, share your comments!
Compelling New Documentary on the Relevance of Ayurveda and Why It Matters Today!
I recently watched this captivating documentary on the profound healing journey of Amish, a young man plagued with health problems at the height of his successful and happy life. If you wonder what Ayurveda can do for you and you would like to see the world’s top Ayurvedic doctors and practitioners share this art and science, I highly recommend this movie. Right here in Santa Cruz, CA we are blessed with one of the top Ayurvedic colleges in the US and many in the film were my teachers. I completed my Board Certification in 2014 and continue to study. Take a moment to watch, I think it will be enlightening and inspiring. I feel like many of the comments said during the film have come out of my mouth in consultations. I was taught well! This practice works and reminds us that we cannot live separate from Nature and be in harmony and be well. Get inspired!
I have a few openings for new clients this fall, feel free to reach out.
Watch It Here!!!
Lokah Samastha Sukhino Bhavantu, May All Beings Be Free and Well
As the world of yoga continues to shift towards online learning with the advancement of technology and the convenience it brings, now more than ever, yogis opt for online advanced yoga teacher training programs. While traditional in-person training has its merits (I highly recommend a basic 200 Hour teacher training be experienced live), the virtual realm offers a host of benefits that are hard to ignore, especially for this introspective work.
In 2022, I relaunched the Divine Light Yoga 300 Hour Advanced Yoga Teacher Training and invited non-teachers for the Self Mastery aspect of the course work. We experienced a resounding success for the teachers graduating and the non-teachers.
We learned that whether you have the desire to deepen your teaching platform or not, Yoga and Ayurveda provide a perfectly whole and holistic way and means for living.
Exploring these timeless teachings bring a wealth of knowledge, hands on tools and a sense of Self Mastery unlike any other “self help” courses. The beauty and relevance of these experiential lifestyle practices place the power of choice into your hands and provide you with a wealth of lifetime benefits. You can take this course simply for your personal edification or for the certification, either way you win! Education is the key. Awareness is the practice, and these are the tools!
A team of highly educated, skilled professionals and myself taught this 8 Module 300 hour course with both in-person students and online through Zoom. We filmed the entire course and now, those teachings are available for you. When taking this course, you will feel like you are with a live group, raw and vulnerable. From the practicums, meditations, functional anatomy for injuries to Ayurvedic cooking classes, this teacher training brings you as close to being in a classroom as possible from the comfort of your own home, at your speed, with your schedule.
Whether you are ready to advance your 200 Hour teaching certification to the full 500 hour Level or have interest in this deep inner work for Self Mastery, this course will deliver solid results and open you to your inner truth like no other. If you're contemplating whether to take the plunge into online advanced yoga teacher training for personal growth or Teacher Certification, consider these five compelling reasons that might just sway your decision. The real question is, are you ready to grow?
1. Flexibility and Convenience:
One of the standout advantages of online advanced yoga teacher training is the unparalleled flexibility it provides. Traditional training often requires you to adhere to a rigid schedule, which can be challenging for those with busy lives, full-time jobs, or family responsibilities. Online training allows you to tailor your learning experience to fit your schedule, enabling you to balance your commitments while deepening your yoga practice.
2. Global Accessibility:
Geographical constraints are no longer a barrier when it comes to pursuing advanced yoga teacher training. With online programs, you have the opportunity to learn from renowned teachers and experts from around the world. This diverse range of perspectives can enrich your understanding of yoga and expose you to various teaching methodologies, enhancing your ability to connect with a broader range of students.
3. Personalized Learning Experience:
Online advanced yoga teacher training often incorporates multimedia resources such as videos, Live Zoom Practicums, downloadable Manuals, and interactive quizzes. This variety of materials caters to different learning styles, making it easier for you to grasp complex concepts. Additionally, you can revisit these resources as many times as needed, allowing for a deeper understanding and more effective retention of the material. In the Divine Light Yoga Advanced 300 Hour program we provide all of that and there are 24 Ayurvedic Cooking Sessions where you will have recipes and watch how to prepare seasonal and doshic appropriate meals. You will also learn how to teach Trauma Informed Yoga while you both take the Trauma informed classes and then go behind the scenes to learn how to teach it.
4. Cost-Effectiveness:
In-person training can come with hefty expenses such as travel, accommodation, and meals. Online advanced yoga teacher training eliminates these costs, making it a more budget-friendly option. Many online programs also offer flexible payment plans, making high-quality education more accessible to a wider range of individuals. The Divine Light Yoga program is affordable and offers limited Scholarships where applicable and payment plans. Enroll now and get an End of Summer Discount of $200!
5. Community and Support:
Contrary to popular belief, online training doesn't mean you'll be isolated. The Divine Light Yoga online advanced yoga teacher training program includes 45 hours of live discussion forums, Q&A practicum sessions, and opportunities for group interactions. Our digital community provides a supportive environment where you can connect with fellow trainees, share experiences, and seek guidance from both peers and instructors. Mentorship continues long after your graduate.
Online advanced yoga teacher training offers a plethora of benefits that cater to your personal lifestyle. The flexibility, global accessibility, personalized learning experience, cost-effectiveness, and supportive community make it a compelling option if you want to deepen your practice and expand your teaching skills or personal Self-Mastery. As the world continues to evolve, so does the realm of yoga education, and embracing online learning might just be the transformative step your yogic journey needs. I am glad to talk to you directly to answer any questions. And if you are not a teacher but really love Yoga and want to explore the finer workings of it, listen to the testimonial of a graduate who took the course for Self-Mastery and how it enhanced her life!
And, great news, Yoga Alliance is continuing to embrace the virtual on line teaching world and the Divine Light Yoga Advanced 300 Hour program is fully accredited and will grant you your 500 Hour certification upon graduation. Sign up Now!
Scholarships available, inquire directly to me
Should you decide to take this course as Self Mastery, and in the future complete a 200 Hr. Yoga Alliance course, this course will combine to grant you 500 Hour Level Certification. Please inquire.
I LOVE your comments and suggestions, so open in your browser and leave comments on my site, it means so much to me. Thank you!
It seems a natural question right now, how to maintain a heart centered focus. Maybe you’ve veered away from your natural heart place and want to find your way back, and it just feels too vulnerable. Maintaining a heart-centered focus in a world filled with violence and stress can indeed be challenging, but it's not impossible. Cultivating a heart-centered approach involves nurturing compassion, mindfulness, and a sense of connection with others. I believe the most important point to remember here, is to stop the “othering” that can so easily happen. The “othering” of us and them, the separation from each other. For me, it really helps to remember that we all want the same things, like calm, peace, prosperity, health and well-being, to name a few points. Underneath it all, we are the same, we are humans and when we can stop being at each other we can remember to be with and for each other. Here are some strategies to help you navigate this difficult terrain while staying centered in your heart:
Practice Self-Care:
Start by taking care of yourself physically, emotionally, spiritually and mentally. Engage in activities that bring you joy, relaxation, and inner peace. Regular exercise, proper nutrition, sufficient sleep, and awareness practices like meditation and being in nature can help you build resilience against external stressors.
Limit Media Consumption:
While it may feel important to stay informed about global events, exposure to negative news can contribute to stress and anxiety. Set boundaries on how much time you spend consuming news and consider seeking out positive and uplifting content to balance your media diet. Set timers on your devices to alert you to get off the apps and and unplug for a set amount of time each day. Good News Network
Cultivate Gratitude:
Remembering positive aspects of life can shift your perspective and nurture a heart-centered mind/body/soul connection. Practice gratitude by regularly acknowledging and appreciating the things you're thankful for. This can help counteract the overwhelming negativity and stress around you.
Engage in Acts of Kindness:
Notice how sweet it feels to simply be kind and patient. Tolerance in the face of strife is incredibly powerful. Performing acts of kindness, no matter how small, can create a ripple effect of positivity. Whether it's helping a neighbor, volunteering for a cause you believe in, or simply offering a smile to a stranger, these actions can remind you of the goodness in the world. Remember, Be the Change You want to See!
Connect with Nature:
Spending time in nature is deeply nurturing, grounding and healing. Take walks, hikes, or simply sit in a park, by a body of water, against a tree to connect with the beauty and tranquility of the natural world. Turn off your podcast, audio book and allow the sounds of nature to surround you. If you are in an area with loud noises, consider listening to sounds of nature on your earbuds instead of someone talking. This can help you find solace and perspective amid the chaos. Free sounds of Calm
Practice Compassion:
Extend compassion to yourself and to others. Remember that everyone is navigating their own challenges, and understanding this can soften your heart and reduce judgment. Engage in compassionate acts and conversations that promote understanding and unity. Allow others to also experience the consequences of their choices with a patient presence and let go of judgement. Let them know that you believe in them and their ability to navigate their lives. Sometimes just knowing someone has faith and trust in us can make the difference we need to see our way through. Compassion is not about fixing “it” for others, it is loving them through what they are dealing with.
Limit Negative Relationships:
Evaluate your relationships and interactions. Surround yourself with people who uplift and support you, rather than those who contribute to negativity and stress and drain your energy.. Foster connections with individuals who share your values and promote a heart-centered approach to life. Compassion may include giving way when negativity is overwhelming a relationship. Allow time and space for yourself and others when negativity is present and the stress or tension feels insurmountable.
Mindful Breathing:
Panic attacks, insomnia, abject doom and gloom can take over when our breathing is short, out of balance and irregular. When you feel overwhelmed by stress or negativity, take a few moments to focus on your breath. Deep, mindful breathing can help you ground yourself, reduce anxiety, and create a sense of inner calm. Make a daily practice of Nadi Shodhana, Left/Right Nostril Breathing, 6-12 minutes every single day will set your nervous system right.
Engage in Heart-Centered Activities:
What brings you Joy? What reminds you of your True Self? Engage in activities that align with your values and bring you joy. This could include volunteering, creative expression, practicing a hobby, or participating in activities that promote social and environmental well-being. Whether it is doing something for yourself or another or simply being, take time to explore what brings you Joy. If not now, when?
Seek Balance:
Give yourself permission to focus on your own well-being and the positive actions you can take to make a difference. Be the example to your family and friends, lead the way to harmony and health. When you take time to balance yourself, those around you may feel more inclined to join in.
Remember that maintaining a heart-centered focus is an ongoing practice that requires patience and self-compassion. By nurturing your own well-being and cultivating compassion for yourself and others, you can find strength and resilience in the face of the world's challenges. We are all in this together, on a journey of self discovery and self mastery. Release the judgement and curiosity arises.
Recent 2023 graduate, Clare E., South Carolina, 300 Hour Advanced training
Deep Rest
Finding Balance
Rediscovering an old friend is how I have felt with Brahmari! I have found this to really help me relax deeper into mySelf!
Breath First: Try Brahmari or a humming type of breathing to reduce anxiety, overwhelm and get you back on track. I love this breathing, it really brings me right into the present moment, vibrates what may be stuck or calms what is in overdrive.
Sit and feel the floor or back of a chair supporting you. If you feel safe, close your eyes, and try using your thumbs to close off your ears, let your other four fingers rest on your forehead.
Inhale through your NOSE with an internal Humming sound. P A U S E.
Exhale through your NOSE with an internal Humming sound. P A U S E
Focus on the vibration, the feeling and the length of your exhale. Let it become longer and longer each time.
A few rounds will bring you into Presence and more is even better. Your inhale hum may sound like a buzzing bee, and the exhale will too, at a different pitch. Brahmari means bee and Pranayama is the affecting of our Life force.
ps. If you are pregnant, heavily menstruating, with high blood pressure or prone to seizures this Pranayama is contraindicated. Try Long Deep Belly Breathing.
Stay well my friends, and a deeply Happy New Year wish to each of you.
2022 Offerings
Mastering our Self Course
Trauma Informed Yoga Course:: Resources for Resiliency
February 19th to July 23rd, 2022, Live on Zoom
Every Saturday, 11am-1pm, PST, for 6 months, join me to engage in a holistic experiential method to unlearn what locked in the trauma triggers and to integrate transformational practices for living. It took a lifetime for these triggers to lodge in our body, let’s give ourselves a wide berth to unlock, unlearn and establish a safe and reliable way to communicate, advocate and relate to our deepest needs. One of the benefits of teaching on Zoom, all these classes will be recorded! So if you have to miss one, I can send you the recording so you will not loose any of the teachings. All recordings will only show me not the entire group for privacy.
Live Zoom Classes Still going strong!!!
Every Monday and Wednesday Night, 7:00 pm to 8:15 or 8:30 pm Pacific time, I am here!
Yin with Restorative yoga and Deep Relaxation: Yoga Nidra
All donation based, come all regardless of what you can offer.
On a personal note,
I still feel there can be so much to be afraid, worried and anxious about. Be brave friends, have courage, we have so much more to draw from than we imagined. Right? These yogic tools and practices have lasted this long because they work. So…work them! Jump back in, chant a mantra, find a pranayama (breathing exercise), come to class even if you just lie there! Listen to a Yoga Nidra! Call a friend, take a walk. Rub your whole body in warm sesame oil and then take a lovely hot/warm bath or shower! Light a candle, eat a sweet juicy fruit, cook a cozy meal. Sit by a fire, sing a song, write a song! Dance. Feel into it, we are here for a reason. Change the channel from anxiety to being present. From depression to any activity. From fear to courage or at least presence. I know we’ve got this, I’ve been working it all year, and yes, I feel you. Joyous New year blessings to each of you.
Love, light and a warm hug,
Denise Divine
Wilder Ranch, Santa Cruz, CA
Dearest loving yoga family!
With great gratitude and joy I report that we are still standing. Our home and property, the horses, chickens, dogs and cats are all safe. We, all 7 of us, soon to be 8 (daughter’s partner arriving soon) are safe and surviving. In fact, the truest test of our humanity has been exposed and I am awed at the grace, tenacity and hard work of so many who are still fighting these persistent fires. I especially recognize the maturity and strength of my son Jay who got us all out of there with many precious belongings on Tuesday night between 1 and 5 am. I recognize and honor my daughter, and the friends who live with us in getting those amazing horses out. The animal rescue angels who miraculously showed up in the darkness and asked, “who needs help?” as they stood in the darkness of the equestrian center where they had gone to get a trailer.
I recognize and am grateful to my son’s girlfriend who tended to the dogs (3) and cat who were thoroughly freaked out. I bow to all of our friends and neighbors who pulled together and aided us, with homes, beds and food. We all pulled together, calmly and collectively to get ourselves safely out of there with all the animals in the middle of the night. Thank goodness PGE had just restored power one night before and we had lights to evacuate in and not total darkness.
I am so grateful to my son, who went back up the next morning, obtained a generator and with the blessed help of friend Matt (electrician) who just texted that morning asking if we were okay and said, YES, he will go up into the fire and help wire the generator to the well pump so Jay could climb on the roofs of the houses (2) and garage and begin to set sprinklers to keep the place wet! Jay made sure to go up every 8 hours every day to refill the generator with gas. He then began to journey around the fire ridden community and help others and chop down trees to make fire breaks and bring food, water and gas. He took fire roads, back roads and rail tracks to get in because we were not allowed in, but he went. He said the only thing he regrets so far, is not knowing these amazing people in that area better before this happened. He said our neighbors up in the Doon are amazing people. They are!
I am grateful that after a week of moving to several places, daughter sleeping in car, son and girlfriend in truck over night and just being displaced, we found a lovely house and another apartment for all of us and dogs. We are lucky, so many are displaced and I cannot imagine what they are going through. I am grateful to dear new friends housing our 14 hens and 8 new baby chicks!!!! I am grateful to friends taking care of our cat! This is the village caring for everyone.
My heart is shredded and I have not even been up yet to see what it looks like in one of the most beautiful places on earth. My heart is aching for my friends and so many I know of who have lost everything. It is a weird numb feeling to look at a pile of ash where your home was, I am on my knees that our home is there.
Right now, I am in a house with my daughter and the others are across town in another apartment. All animals are safe. I intend to teach, I need to ground into teaching and to remember that this practice, this earth will regenerate and our work is to remember the true transient nature of everything. I need to remember that we are absolutely resilient, after all, this is what we LIVE, KNOW AND TEACH. We will recover, we will be better somehow for it. We have all had a chance to see parts of ourselves and I tell you, what I have seen is so beautiful.
We will have a long restoration as the smoke damage is intense inside the houses and I don’t even know what that entails! But, thank God and all our angels, we have a house to restore! We will provide sanctuary to all we can, as I have always known my home to be a sanctuary for harmony and love. I will keep in touch with you all, for now, please join me on line for classes, see my schedule on the Live Classes page, I would love to see you and hope we hold each other. thank you so much for all of your outpouring of love and support during this time. We are love, we are safe, this is a lesson to remember the impermanence of life, of things, of all. We are just caretakers and so far, the Mother is mad as hell about the way we are not taking care of her. Climate destruction is real, things need to change and resource depletion, the massive abuse and destruction of our planet is coming back full circle. This was not a once in a lifetime event, this is our new reality. Big love to our Mother who is hurting, and to all, to all of you!
Classes begin again: WEDNESDAY
Please follow me on INSTAGRAM, link on my website and DENISEDIVINE where I will post updates.
Why Truth Matters, True Test of an Authentic Spiritual Practice
I wrote this before the fires erupted. After great consideration regarding the abuses of Yogi Bhajan, here is my deep reflection of an authentic practice.
If you are a seeker of truth, integrity and a divine life based in teachings of authenticity, you may find this helpful. With truth, it may be disrupting to hear, and yet, it sets us free. I hope this sets some part of you free.
In the beginning:
Yoga found me and burst open my heart and awakened in me an awareness unknown to me ever. From the beginning, a humble and graceful teacher opened my eyes and heart to the wisdom of practice. Her name was Bonnie Richter and she was a gentle loving angel. She worked with me one on one for a year, and then said it was time for me to leave the nest and move on. I was not to become attached to her, but to realize the Light within. I will always be deeply grateful to her. Three years later after becoming a Hatha yoga teacher, I became a Kundalini Yoga teacher certified by the Kundalini Research Institute and completed the advanced Level II trainings (5 modules) thereafter. I do not just practice and teach yoga, I live yoga.
We created a dear community of loving and generous practitioners in Annapolis, MD. I attended many Yoga Journal and Omega yoga conferences, as I had not yet found the yoga festival culture, Bhakti and Shakti fest as well as the Wanderlust events had not started for me. I continued yogic education with more workshops and a 500 hour Hatha Yoga training. I attended Summer Solstices (10 day KY events in NM) for many years, which included 3 days of White Tantric Yoga (a creation by Yogi Bhajan, as he deemed himself the only Mahan Tantric in the world).
A decade later
I found so much solace in coming to my mat every day where I could unload my suffering and stress and touch pure joy. I realized how many people were suffering and these practices changed lives! I saw community grow and felt our bond. It was palpable. Difficult to do, I uprooted from MD in ‘11, and was welcomed into a new KY community in Boston which held me during a very stressful transition. Eighteen months later I moved to California, 2012. Two major moves, incredible life changes and now landing in an entirely new world, a new part of the country where I knew no one. And every day I was nurtured and held by that time on my mat. Every day the suffering, joy, fear and all mind stuff would be left on that mat, on that meditation seat and worked out of my body. By this time I had witnessed many discrepancies in the practice and with several Sikh’s within the Aquarian Academy (the organization that trains teacher trainers where I had been accepted) and KRI at that time and I felt an incongruence in the practice and its roots. Personally I continued to chant mantras (both in Sanskrit and Gurmukhi), practice some meditations from KY and focused on Hatha asanas. My Sadhana, daily spiritual practice, deepened into the study and practice of additional and other yogic techniques.
During my early years, I had numerous challenges with the authenticity, origin and “lineage” as claimed by KRI (Kundalini Research Institute). I researched for years as my nature is to understand deeply coupled with a true heartfelt faith in my experiences. I had practiced and taught Hatha Yoga already for 4 years by the time I included KY in my practice. I was told emphatically by my original KY teacher that I “could” not do both, I had to choose. I did not choose, it was antithetical to me to divide the practices, as the pure definition of Yoga is to yoke and all of the tools of the 8 Limbed Path of Hatha were included in the KY teachings (in our manuals) and thus, it seemed an orthodox viewpoint and one limited from ignorance to not teach and practice both forms, respecting them separately.
Origins of Yoga practices
I found references through the years in many of the sacred texts of yoga discussing Kundalini and how to awaken this sacred dormant energy. It is an ancient knowledge and no one can claim it as theirs. What is consistently explained is that awakening this dormant energy must and should be done with devotion (clear intention and attention), purity in body, mind and heart, mindfully and slowly. Any techniques to rush this process can very well cause serious problems, such as mental, emotional, spiritual and physical disharmonies.
The techniques always involve Pranayama (specific breathing practices) with the main channels of Ida, Pingala and Shushumna; Bhandas (“locks” in the body at the perineum, diaphragm, and throat) Mulabhanda, Uddihanda and Jaladhara; Asanas (postures such as seated ones) and especially creating the ground for the awakening with a Sattvic leaning lifestyle of proper food, rest, play, observation and proper use of the Sense organs and Meditation (time spent focusing on the inner light/Self).
The Chakras are recognized as gateways towards this realization of Self in most of the practices to awaken Kundalini because they provide something for the mind to focus on, they are located in the Subtle body and are connected to the main channels and provide abundant information to the Self in the awakening process.
Mantras (sacred sound currents) and the practice of them can be a very useful and uplifting way to feel a vibration within and have been utilized for centuries. Chanting and singing throughout history are a way for communities to connect and join in voice and heart. I am not aware of any temple, holy place or sacred site where singing, chanting or some form of sound or music is not of benefit. In many of the sacred texts there is mention of the Shabad, the sacred sound current, this is well known and documented in many teachings.
Sanskrit mantras, Bija mantras (seed sounds) and other sounds are incredibly powerful. In KY as taught by YB, because he was born and practiced Sikhism (a religion originating in India/Pakistan), he chose to incorporate the sounds from that religious path into his practice. These mantras are recognized in the Siri Guru Granth Sahib; the Sikhs recognize this as their “living guru” and treat it as such. It is a physical document, akin to the Bible, Torah or Koran, in that it holds the teachings of the 10 Sikh gurus among other revered and recognized teachers of spirituality, from Rumi to Kabir. The language is Gurmukhi, as I understand it to be a derivative of Sanskrit, I cannot verify that. However, the chanting of these mantras is one of the single most uplifting ecstatic practices I found in all of KY.
Clearly, chanting of mantras is a practice worldwide that brings incredible solace, joy, peace and harmony to our hearts and bodies. I play the continuous sound of these in my home and car and have noticed through the years that the “chatter” in the back of my mind is one of these mantras. Whether a Sanskrit or Gurmuki one, does not matter, they carry the healing vibration of the Shabad and provide a great tool. These are not Yogi Bhajan’s nor do they rest in the domain of the Sikhs, KRI or any group. They are universal, sacred and belong to no one.
Kriya Yoga is a specific practice not to be confused with the “kriyas” that Yogi Bhajan invented in his practice. If you wish to learn more about Kriya Yoga please visit: Kriya Yoga, Paramahamsa Yogananda. The Kriyas in KY per YB are a series of exercises designed to deliver a consequence. As any Hatha teacher can share with you, Vinyasa Krama is when a teacher creates a sequence of Asanas to deliver a consequence.
Every Hatha Asana will specifically deliver an action in the body/mind complex, it will have a result. The art and science of creating healthy, balancing and definitive sequences takes practice, knowledge of anatomy both subtle and physical and awareness of the potential effects. This is called Vinyasa Krama, creating a consequence from a sequence. I am aware of what I am doing when I teach every class, in terms of aiming in a direction for a cause. In teaching teachers, I spend a great amount of time on this particular topic, as it is possible for a teacher to create unhealthy, imbalanced and possibly damaging sequences. I share this so that you will discern in your participation in yoga classes, how you actually feel afterwards. Not just to feel “good” but to notice the true results, which we will now go into.
Yoga aims towards Self Realization
Every spiritual sacred text I read on the teachings of yoga continue to point in the direction of Self Realization. To “know thy self” “Thou Art That” is the ultimate teachings, the ultimate aim. A life without self awareness, inquiry and connecting to that which is beyond our small microcosmic realm is seen as nearly a waste. Just to indulge in feeding the sense organs with pleasurable or exciting experiences cannot and won’t satisfy our natural inner need to feel whole, healed and pure Joy.
Just because you have an “experience” with a practice, whatever it is, does not mean it is one that delivers. To each of us, this is unique. Unique, because each of us is unique. We may share orientations in direction with a practice, we may share desires and passions. We crave community, to belong, to find our tribe, our people, and to feel whole. We are born into this world and according to the Yoga Sutras, we “forget” that we already are whole, divine and a part of all that is. The individualization of being in our own body creates the idea and sense that we are separate from others. This feeling of being separate can be terrifying and as we grow up, we continually seek to find a way to feel connected again, until we remember we are whole and that the connection we seek outside of ourselves is already available within.
An authentic spiritual practice will remind you that you are whole, it will connect you to YOU in your heart and will strengthen your understanding of yourSelf and others. With devotion, proper habits and inquiry/reflection of what you are thinking, saying and doing, you will witness your own Self and realize that what you seek is already inside of you. With authentic practice, you will return to a deep calm inside and know that no matter the chaos on the outside, there is a river of calm on the inside. This is a true result.
Call it faith, call it mindfulness or anything you like, the important element here is the remembering, realization and reconnection to the knowingness that you are a part of all that is and always was. This is a true result.
This feeling resides in the Anahata Chakra, the Heart Center and can easily be covered over with the myriad of emotions we experience from fear, anger, worry, anxiety, depression and more, stress, trauma, hardship, and a lack of practice.
Awakening Kundalini is Awakening Awareness
This feeling as I call it, runs within every one of us. Awakening Kundalini energy in a calm, healthy and balanced way can and will connect us, as will other yogic practices. It is not to awaken this dormant energy that should be our goal, but rather to remove the veils of illusion that prevent us from realizing our true Divine nature. This realization may include awakening Kundalini and it may not. This realization is the Aim of Life. It will remove the fear of death, it will create a boundless connection to our deepest heart nature and it will provide clarity and strength of character without doubt. This is a true result.
Once we have awakened this connection, and we continue to practice we now have a choice. I see exactly where my mind takes me, what my desires are, how I may or may not respond in situations of stress, agony and joy. I also know what can block my connection to this Heart energy and how I can confuse or distort truth to suit my needs. Each of us has what is referred to as an ego driven nature, where the impulse is to meet our needs, we want what we want and we don’t want what we don’t want. And we will do a lot to maintain that.
Moving our awareness to our “divine” nature is what an authentic practice in my humble opinion will provide us with. This is a true result. It is our choice as to how we respond in every situation, we are not two people in these two sides of our nature, unless we truly are mentally unstable. We are able to witness our own duality, and choose which way we respond.
Values and Virtues
The Values and virtues many lack or have not learned to connect with may become very clear. Patanjali gave us 10 yogic precepts, the Yamas and Niyamas to strive to live by. These are profound and yet simple precepts that allow each of us, unique individuals, to interpret, experience and practice them to our level of awareness. With increasing awareness our relationship to these will morph and change over time and what used to be held as a definition at one point in our life may change dramatically over time.
Satya, truthfulness is one of my most meaningful precepts. From day one of learning of it I challenged myself to root out every time I was not truthful, and I saw how incredibly easy it had been for me to not only live with many untruths, but to justify them. Rather than feel terrible about myself, I made it a game and decided to see where I could now be more truthful, where could I change my thoughts, words and deeds to be truthful. Where was I lying to others and most of all, to myself. I changed my entire relationship to truth and developed a whole new language to speak truthfully and kindly. It was a real awakening and over time I realized how much more congruent I felt and how much self doubt had disappeared and how I could genuinely trust myself more. I kept my word by not making promises I could not keep, even when it disappointed someone if I had to say no. I gathered my words with kindness when I had to say something that I felt might be difficult for another to hear. I stopped having harmful thoughts and worked to root out the feeling, situation and cause of them. I realized that anger, frustration, swearing or disappointment were not “not spiritual” , they were an acceptable form of expression when I took full responsibility for the expression. This is a true result.
The Yamas and Niyamas gave me a joyful, accessible and profoundly simple yet deep way to inquire with myself and to check in on my “spiritual progress”. Spiritual maturity to me, is about us being able to see all of our Self, in all the light and dark, in the polarities that we exist in; To love and forgive myself when I fall back into a way that brings harm to another or myself. Spiritual maturity comes from awareness and may or may not be your goal or direction for your practice. I heard the term many years ago and decided to understand it and see what it might bring to me.
Kundalini Yoga as Universal
Awakening Kundalini is an ancient and important part of many yogic teachings. The methods are varied and many ancient sages have shared their experiences, practices and tools for us today. I feel that all yogic paths have merit, and I use my sense of discernment to witness the results of the practice and the awareness of the teacher. Kundalini is a term used to express the awesome and magnificent power of our life force that once awakened, moves us to be all that we forgot we could be. It opens us to the joy that quietly and always lives inside of us. It is not fantastical but it may feel like magic. It is different and unique for every one of us. This, is our true birthright. And we must work to reach it, and provide a foundation for it to exist in. No one person owns it, how to awaken it and most especially can truly awaken it in us. If our practice awakens it, we will gradually and gently realize or even quickly realize more. Value that, don’t discount or devalue it.
The hope and grace of an authentic practice is to witness in ourselves an evolution towards increased authentic awareness, in the way we think, speak, and act. Every thing we participate in is an example of the results of our practice.
I understand awareness as me being able to know what I am doing, how I show up, where I use my energy, am I living in a balanced, natural, harmonious way, am I kinder, more compassionate and resolute. Am I filled with anxiety, self doubt and confusion or am I calm, clear and able to process and understand what is happening. Am I able to be clear with my own fears and soothe myself with truth and light in a time of need? This is a true result.
Sovereignty and the Collective
I have never been comfortable handing over my self authority to another, whether it be a doctor, teacher, guru or leader. As a very young child I was encouraged and taught to question authority and derive an understanding for myself. If you know me, you may know that I will speak up and out. I think I came here to seek truth and from my near death experience at 15 to now, I feel grateful beyond words, beyond anything that I may not know all truth, but I know that there exists no absolutes.
I encourage every student, my adult kids, friends and family to dig deep and find that connection to our inner divine realm. To experience and soothe ourselves with that river of calm that flows beneath the chaos. To me, that is what this entire practice is about. Many may feel an experience with the Divine, to those that do not share that belief, connecting to a deep abiding eternal essence provides grace. This is a true result.
Yogi Bhajan gathered many tools from many paths and created his own sequences of actions and called it Kundalini yoga. He took his life knowledge from being Indian, living in his religion, community, family and amalgamated it into a practice. He realized the value of his presence, a large figure he took up a lot of space energetically and in all ways. His presence was commanding as my teachers said. Adorned in his turban and speaking with his accent and espousing these teachings, he gathered followers. The times were ripe for this. An entire massive organization grew up around him as many were inspired from his teachings and it became a thing, Kundalini Yoga as taught by YB. He did not invent or create the breathing exercises Pranayamas, Bhandas, Mantras, Mudras or Meditations. These are not his to claim and with a bit of research you will find them universally taught elsewhere. He did invent the Kriyas, the exercises. He did lecture a lot and told fantastical stories to prop up a clearly overly inflated ego self that is absolutely wounded and deviant. He claimed to have mystical and near magical powers, which are neither provable or unprovable. He invented White Tantric Yoga and called himself a Mahan Tantric. He preached one thing and did another. Clearly he held the attention of his audience and managed to manipulate so many. He was not the first to do so and will not be the last.
Many people have had strong experiences from this practice, and yet, I ask, do these experiences authentically awaken your awareness, strength of character and connection to your own divine existence? Are you more clear of what brings you closer to your authentic Soul light? Sitting for 3 days in White tantric yoga can help us overcome our own wriggly nature, our monkey mind. And it can also instigate forms of psychosis. Yet, with that, what else has it awakened in you? Are you more clear in your life with your true nature? Are you developing more of a witness consciousness? Are you holding the reins of the senses, the Ego aspect of our personality? Do you find more of a loving nature arising within whereby you can confront those issues that cause disharmony, trouble and fear? Are you less avoidant and procrastinating? Are you clear with your virtues and values without projecting onto others? Are you taking things less personally? These are true results.
Toxic Teacher?
Warning, this content may be alarming and upsetting:
We are now being told by KRI to trust the teachings of Kundalini Yoga as taught by Yogi Bhajan and to realize that his toxicity did not influence the teachings. YB said to follow the teachings not the teacher and yet, he demanded loyalty from his innermost circle of followers. Nearly a year of investigations, articles of inquiry and revelations from past followers of YB, we now know of his absolutely indescribably horrific, dangerous, damaging, deviant and demented behaviors towards many of his followers. His cult styled behaviors, threats, punishments, physical, emotional, psychological and spiritual abuses and his extravagant and criminal acts are no longer legend or myth but are reality. The raping, molestations, bizarre sexual practices as well as his incredibly strange and harming demands ranging from mono-diets to one size fits all Ayurvedic practices, are recognized as coming from a deeply damaged human who wreaked havoc on a number of innocent women and children for their lifetime. I will say that clearly men were harmed as they chose to believe YB’s misogynistic teachings couched under the guise of empowering and honoring women. Women, children and men were greatly harmed and many men and women enabled and covered up for this abuse, for 25 years.
I cannot rectify, justify, recognize or frankly align with this particular brand of yoga again, because to know the man now is to know his mind. And that same mind that brought the level of harm and destruction to so many with his words and teachings was uttering out of the other side of his mouth these practices. To hold both of these concepts simultaneously, the dark and the light is the work of being human. And yet, we have choice, we have awareness to recognize that this particular brand of yoga was created by a man, not a Godhead, not a Christ consciousness, not a Buddha.
But the Experience…
Are the glorious experiences coming from the practices, or the gathering of like minded souls who want to find and feel God in each other? Is it that we crave connection and love so much that we believe we are experiencing it with these practices? Or are we? KY now and forever will be marred with the knowledge that as YB taught sitting there in his white turban he was violently harming trusting and innocent women and children behind the veneer.
That as he espoused the grace and divinity of women and taught Women’s Camps, he raped and assaulted women followers. That as he married off couples, he would also purposely torture some with his claim of wanting them (women) to be his. That as he espoused family values, he asked his followers to send their small young children to either live with other families or off to India to a boarding school he created where they were sadly bullied and molested. That he forced a 16 week abortion upon a woman follower with his baby, after which she nearly died from hemorrhaging.
But what really rips my guts apart, is the enabling and brainwashing that occurred to allow all of this to happen. It took a lot of people to keep this secret, to provide a place for this to continue for 25 years and worst of all, it took a lot of people who claimed this practice lifted them closer to God to act out and not have the courage, the integrity, the grit to stand up to this man. And now, those same people want to rebrand this practice and keep going with it, disavowing him. Or worse, disavowing the absolute clarity of the investigation thus negating the many victims.
Is not a genuine authentic spiritual practice one that awakens within us a clear and doubtless awareness of what is healthy, acceptable, good and right?
At what point would anyone ever believe or consider that these kinds of actions, FROM YOUR SPIRITUAL TEACHER were okay? Where was the character, divinity, dignity and grace that was so preached? How deeply depraved not only was this teacher but were the followers to cover this up, to harm those that tried to come forward, to create such an environment of exclusivity and illusion? How is it ever possible to separate the teacher from the teachings knowing that the teacher in this very clear case in in fact the originator of the teachings?
This is not another religion where the practitioners and leaders have gone off the rails. This is a practice created by a man who lacked a complete moral compass. The degree of mental compartmentalization, mania, and pure psychological pathology is nearly impossible to comprehend. I can only acknowledge that he was simply a man, believing in his own God complex and feeling completely justified in all of his actions, the same as any common criminal pedophile or rapist.
Where Do We go from Here?
I end with this, I will accept that many will be attached to the practice and that it will continue. It is a multi million dollar business and hundreds of people have invested their lives, hearts and souls into a way of living as an American Sikh, as a KY teacher or trainer and have yoga studios and entire livelihoods fixed on this. There will be many who decry the outrageousness of the reports and claim them to be false. There will be many who will strive to live by the new mantra of trust the experience of the teachings, let go of the teacher.
I get it, we are devastated as a community to realize the level of deception not only by YB but by many many people in the higher “ranks” of KRI, SSSC and 3HO. Many in the “old guard” knew and turned a blind eye and will have to deal with themselves. The publication of Pamala Dyson’s book, “White Bird in a Golden Cage” was a clear and evident tipping point that finally pried open the coffin that had carefully been nailed shut to hold these secrets forever. I appreciate those at KRI and SSSC that knew enough to know that this had to be addressed and began an investigation. I do not appreciate the lack of thoroughness in the investigation, regarding leaving out massive parts of abuse regarding children in the boarding school and the criminal issues around the many businesses the corporation owns.
To those that had the phenomenal courage and integrity to come forward, I thank you, I honor you and I hold you in the most loving and supportive light possible. What you went through can never ever be changed, what you go into now is light, I pray. You are the ones who truly are the teachers. You are the ones who honestly practiced truth, integrity and witnessed the most painful and enormous realizations. You are the ones setting the path to Light and truth. You are the ones who awakened, realized and are of pure light. Your courage and conviction is an example for everyone to learn and live by. Thank you for doing what you did to come out of the darkness and bring to light what we all needed to see.
Let us all witness this truth, let us all look deep within and see our own Light and Dignity. Let us hold these polarities and yet choose wisely what we shall think, say and do. I do not honor YB and acknowledge my 16 year struggle to feel his light, I never could. I honor that within me was always a discrepancy between what I felt and experienced with the practices and our community and what I felt from the teacher. I honor awareness, I honor that which I cannot touch or see, but I feel it. I honor the courage and strength within me to know.
I honor and will practice the universal sacred in Pranayama, Mantras of all paths, Bhandas, Mudras, Meditation and asana. I honor the Yoga Sutras, the Bhagavad Gita, the Upanishads and too many sacred texts of truth to count. I honor the pain and struggle so many are living in right now. I honor the amazing artists who sing these mantras with love in their hearts. I honor the teachers who will decide how to be truthful with themselves and their students. I honor the divisions, disparity, polarity and confusion and trust that Light, LOVE and Truth will prevail. I honor that I am doing my best to truthfully and lovingly resolve my heartache not in realizing the reality about YB personally but in learning of the enormous suffering of so many in the name of spirituality. I honor everyone struggling to rectify their experience and truth. I love you all and thank you for taking your time to read this. Perhaps it has shed some light for you as to how to understand what a true authentic spiritual practice is and the results.
It is not enough to just have a powerful experience but to witness our awareness, courage, values, virtues, kindness, tenacity and more grow. Cultivate your practice with Mantras, Asanas, Pranayamas and learn what the 8 Limbs of yoga are and practice them. That will lead you to Samadhi, to the Light.
Take a break from the stresses of the day, lie down and let this soothing guided visualization carry you to your happy place! Enjoy my friends! Hope to see you in classes! Every Wednesday night at Santa Cruz Yoga, Ingalls Street, 7:30pm! for this Restorative class.
And, Tuesdays and Wednesdays, Noon to 1pm, All Levels Vinyasa Flow, Santa Cruz Yoga!
Be well, be light and let your life flow. You are loved.
Explore this comprehensive list of sacred mantras.